Using assistive technologies to provide students with the means of completing everyday tasks is essential to provide an equitable educational experience for the student.
Some students rely on communication devices or communication boards much like this one
(shows board).
This is a copy of a communication board sent home with my son, who was having speech and communication difficulties.
He has since used this board less at home but frequently uses it in school when he is there.
Most of the students who use communication boards would have an iPad or tablet device with some assistive communicative programs in the class, allowing them to have more independence to express their ideas and needs effectively.
I do appreciate my children’s teachers for sending these boards home, and some families may not be able to afford assistive technologies or do not qualify for assistance to receive these devices/programs.
My children’s teachers also use the SMARTboard programs to create their ideas and express their feelings if they choose to share.
Currently, my kids are using ESY (Extended School Year), and they are doing a summer reading academy where they are doing interactive exercises daily.
Again there is a lot of programs that allow assistive and engaging programs to refine skills and independence.